The Wider Curriculum and Personal Development

The school provides a wide range of opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch pupils’ talents and interests. Our engagement with the SHAPES partnership enables a large number of children to participate in a range of sports with an emphasis upon inclusion. Nevill Road’s Got Talent our Performance Club and music evenings showcase the talents and interests of our pupils. The school’s achievements in physical activity have been recognised through the Local Authority awards and the Gold Sports Mark for the last two years including the Stockport School’s award for Commitment to PE and Sport and the Lockdown Innovation Award. A wide range of extra-curricular opportunities are available through a variety of clubs that take place throughout the school day. There are high levels of participation in extracurricular activities, particularly sport. We provide clubs specifically for those children who are eligible for free school meals e.g. cooking, art, lego, glee and breakfast club Pupils have experienced a wide range of opportunities through external visits and workshops delivered by experts. We offer two residentials; Castleton one night stay with a Geography focus (Y5) and the Conway Centre two night stay with an outdoor activity including water sports focus (Y6).

Children are active citizens who contribute positively to school life through a variety of roles and responsibilities. These include Restorative Ambassadors, School / Eco Council, librarians, journalists and sports leaders. Through our enhanced curriculum, children are given opportunities to consider others in the community through showing acts of kindness and raising funds for local charities e.g. the Big Help Out for the King’s Coronation, where each year group contributed towards helping in the local community through gardening projects at Bramall Park and St.Michael’s church as well as sending cards to the elderly. Every year the school raises funds for Children in Need, Comic Relief and Millie’s Trust. This year we are also supporting Diabetes JDRF to raise money for those who have type one diabetes. In the past two years we have also encourged children to have a good understanding of how money affects our lives through Enterprise Week. Each class make and sell products in order to make a profit, which then goes towards resources for the children e.g. new books for the library.



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