Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Dale

Mrs Baird

Miss Godridge

Mr Clarke

Welcome to the Year 4 area on our website.This page is to provide you with information about the Year 4 curriculum, upcoming events and to celebrate Year 4 work.

Our Curriculum in Year 4:

Science: States of matter, Sound Electricity, Living things and their habitats, Animals, including humans

Can we thank the Ancient Greeks for anything in our lives today? What impact did the Romans have on Britain?

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Fieldwork week- Rivers,  Why is Europe such a great place to live?

Sculpture Greek theatre Masks, Painting/Collage Picasso and Georges Braque, Drawing/Printing Kandinsky.

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DT: Structures - Gift Box using nets, Electrical Circuit- Nutrition and Cookery - Savoury Dishes from Italy

Computing systems and networks - The Internet, Creating media - Audio editing, Programming - Repetition in shapes
Data and information - Data logging,
Creating media - Photo editing, Programming - Repetition in games

Relationships Living in the wider world, Health and wellbeing

Why are festivals important to religious communities? Why do some people think that life is a journey? What significant experiences marks this? What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong?

Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Netball, Dance, OAA, Striking and Fielding, Swimming, Basketball, Swimming, Athletics

Music: Mama Mia, Christmas Performance, Dragon Scales Investigating the Pentatonic scale, Lean on Me Roma themed

All Around the Town, On the Move, Gone Shopping, Where in the World,  What’s the Time? Holidays and Hobbies

Visits 2022 - 2023: Macclesfield Forest Rivers, Romiley Forum Pantomime, St.Micahel's Church Yellow Brick Road experience, Chester Dewa Roman Museum experience, 'The Big Help Out' St.Michael's Church community visit.

Visits 2023 - 2024: Chester Zoo, St. Michael's Church Christmas event  so far....


Join us on a Friday morning to listen to your child / grandchild read. Everyone is welcome.

For The Big Help Out, Year 4 planted seeds at St. Michael's church. They had a great time helping out in the local community and we can't wait to see the plants once they have grown a bit bigger!



Files to Download

Year 4: News items

Newsletter 28.02.25, by Mrs Hopkins

PTA Newsletter January 2025, by Mrs Hopkins

Newsletter 240125, by Mrs Hopkins

Year 4: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Year 4: Calendar items

Rivers Trip, by Mrs Hopkins

Rivers Trip, by Mrs Hopkins

Parents Evening 4-7pm, by Mrs Hopkins

Together Everyone Achieves More

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