British Values at Nevill Road Junior School
Teaching and Promoting British Values at Nevill Road Junior School
When we developed our school value: Together Everyone Achieves More, our parents, governors, staff and most importantly children were asked what qualities and values are important for the children to be successful in their future lives and also for them to be valuable members of our society. When looking at British Values, it is clear how the two align and compliment each other.
The Department for Education (DfE) reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have been reiterated by Ministers ever since. At Nevill Road Junior School, these values are carefully promoted through our ‘Values Based Curriculum’, and are woven into the ethos of our school.
We have a developmental approach that enables children to develop their understanding of these values throughout their time at our school in order that they become responsible citizens.
Democracy is when a group of people have equal rights and the freedom to choose how they are treated, rather than when one person has all the power and makes all the decisions. It can also refer to the way in which we vote for
the person or group we want to represent us.
At Nevill Road Junior School we are a team and work hard to ensure that the children are valued and at the heart of everything we do. Our school councillors are voted for by their class mates to represent them when making decisions about how improvements can be made to the school. All children are involved in the co-production of our school Bee Rules. These are reviewed annually to reflect our school values. We also encourage children to become leaders through thier roles as Restorative Ambassadors, Librarians, Eco Councillors, Sports Ambassadors and many more. Children also regularly take part in pupil voice for all subject areas, which helps shape our Curriculum in order for it to meet all of the children’s needs.
Individual liberty each of us having the freedom to make our own choices and do what we want – within reason. As long as we respect the other three British values and the rights of others, then we are free to pursue our ambitions, and follow our own will.
At Nevill Road Junior School we encourage children to be themselves and follow their dreams by:
Aiming High by challenging ourselves in all aspects of school life.
Being Successful learners by using our growth mind set to achieve.
Persevering by being resilient and trying our best in everything we do.
Using our Imagination to produce creative work that we can be proud of.
Showing Respect by including everyone and making sure we all matter.
Showing Enthusiasm by approaching all learning with a positive attitude.
Rule of Law means that all people and groups are ruled by
the same laws which help to keep us all safe and happy.
.At Nevill Road Juniors we promote the rule of law through our Bee Rules. These underpin our high expectations of behaviour and attitudes. The rules have been coproduced by the children with respect being a key aspect to life in school in order to challenge stereotypes and the use of derogatory language in lessons and around school. Positive relationships between all stakeholders is promoted through our restorative approach ethos.
Be Safe
- To listen to and follow instructions.
- To play in safe areas of the playground where an adult can see you.
- To walk in school.
- To keep your hand and feet to yourself.
- To stop when the whistle blows and line up safely.
- To remember not to slide tackle.
- To sit properly on chairs – all four feet.
Be Responsible
- To look after school equipment and property.
- To make good choices and always be honest.
- To use your best presentation in all lessons.
- To keep your classroom and cloakroom tidy.
- To complete your homework every week.
- To throw away your litter in the bin.
Be Respectful
- To be kind and help others.
- To respect other’s differences.
- To listen and always follow instructions.
- To respect school property.
- To use good manners and wait your turn.
- To remember that we are a TEAM.
Be Ready
- To arrive at school on time.
- To come in to class ready to learn.
- To remember your equipment for the day.
- To write the LO quickly and underline.
Mutual respect is understanding that we may all not have the same beliefs and values, but we still respect and appreciate each other for our differences.
At Nevill Road Juniors we promote Equality and Respect for all through our Equality Objectives:
Priority 1 - To develop our Enhanced Curriculum in order to provide opportunities for all. |
Priority 2 –To integrate the Protected Characteristics within the Curriculum. |
Priority 3 To continue to develop a broad and balanced curriculum that is accessible for all. |
Priority 4 - To raise attainment in reading, writing and maths for specific, identified groups and individual children. |
· Regularly monitoring of children’s progress through book looks, termly data captures and pupil voice. · To improve the provision for children who have EAL by upskilling staff. · Monitor SEND provision, PPG Strategy and the impact this has upon learning outcomes. · Awareness of gender specific areas e.g. SEND / girls. |