School Development Plan

At Nevill Road Juniors, we strive to imporve the quality of education that our children recieve through our school devlopment priorities.

This year our priorities are:

Priority 1  To improve the quality of education for all children in reading.

  • To create  a whole school lesson structure to ensure the consistency of teaching and delivery of the reciprocal read.
  • To embed the delivery of phonics / spelling and the use of decodable books.
  • To focus on high quality texts and promoting the love of reading in reading areas.
  • To plan lessons that show clear progression and sequence of learning.
  • To ensure that the lowest 20% readers across school are making at least good progress.

Priority 2 To improve the school’s personal development offer for all children through a Enhanced Curriculum

  • To meet the Personal Development outstanding statements of the OFSTED Framework through further developing whole school ASPIRE days.
  • To widen the offer of extracurricular activities.
  • To provide a curriculum that is inclusive and equitable for all.

Priority 3 To deliver outstanding quality first teaching for all children.

  • To develop the Teaching and Learning Policy using the outstanding statements from the Ofsted criteria.
  • To use the EEF materials to develop staff’s understanding of the TA role and their impact upon learning.
  • To upskill support staff in delivering specific interventions e.g. Phonics, Elklan (speech and language), Elsa etc
  • To use adaptive teaching methods further develop quality first teaching and provision for SEND and EAL.
  • To work with the inclusion team to develop a School Inclusion Plan and how this will be delivered to support staff to deliver high quality provision.
  • To utilise the Bright Futures NPQ offer.

Priority 4 To develop computing across the curriculum  by developing staff’s knowledge and the technology we use.

  • To develop a clear knowledge and skills based curriculum in all areas of computing e.g. control and programming, data logging.
  • To provide CPD opportunities for all staff to develop their knowledge of the computing curriculum.
  • To develop a clear lesson structure.
  • To develop the resources used in school to deliver the curriculum. 
  • To promote further awareness of e safety throughout the curriculum.

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